Confronting Shadows: Navigating Through Ego & Self-Awareness
Once upon a time, people I encountered and admired disappointed me. Well, there have been a few once upon a times throughout my lifetime, really. Their egos inflicted pain, disrespect, exploitation, undesirable actions and sometimes even abuse towards me or my loved ones. However, it has always been my own ego that disappoints me most. The burden of my own ego takes the biggest toll on my heart, mind, and soul, and has ultimate power to diminish my quality of life.
My ego is the part of me that quietly waits in the shadows and finds satisfaction in subtle response that aims to ache. It is the dual nature of my being, and I have gained deeper insight of my duality with each experience of disappointment. In times that impact my overall well-being, I must find the will to pull myself out of darkness. This is a process that begins with sitting alone and facing myself with a long, honest look. These self-reflective periods often start with focusing on others. It takes me significant redirection to collect the courage to continually confront myself without turning back or looking away.
During these dark times, there are many questions that demand genuine answers. That is why I am there, and I remain in this reflective state until I uncover my truths. Navigating the depths of myself often takes long periods of introspection. This is a maddening process of shadow work where I lose myself to find myself again. I have undergone this work numerous times in my life and I know there will be more ahead.
The ego is complex, and it is incredibly difficult to completely rid ourselves of it. Personally, I am on an endless pursuit to minimize its negative influence on me by gaining greater self-awareness. It is through my shadow work that I have been able to develop the humility and gratitude that provide me the courage to speak openly and authentically. It is in this process that I develop boundaries that safeguard my well-being and align with my values while maintaining deep compassion and empathy.
Shadow work is not for the faint of heart or unprepared mind. It is a challenging form of self-reflection. However, if you are preparing to set sail into your shadows – here are some questions I personally focus on to begin a deeper dive:
- What specific events or actions led me here?
- What emotions consume me and how do I manage them?
- What aspect of myself handles these emotions and why?
- What are the consequences?
- What role does my ego play?
- How does my ego affect my integrity?
- What values or principles of mine are being challenged?
- What part of myself handed over my power, why & when?
- What are my weaknesses?
- What are my strengths?
- How can I turn this into a positive?
- How can I grow through what I go through?
- What is the lesson to be learned?
- How can I heal?
- How can I make peace?
-Just a messy mom in her kitchen.
Needed this. Thank you for your guidance and truth. ✨⚓️